Εκτύπωση αυτής της σελίδας

Dimitrios Tsatsoulas, Civil Engineer, PhD, Lt Colonel Greek Fire Service

john doe

Civil Engineering, PhD, Lt Colonel
Greek Fire Service
46 Martiou & Kritis str.

Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 421077
Fax. +30 2310 421077
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Area: Engineering & Technology research

Field: Civil & structural engineering

Subfield: Civil & structural engineering


Personal information



TSATSOULAS DIMITRIOS son of Chrisostomos & Erietta




++302310 421O77, Mobile: ++306939777075 (Greece), ++447751968202(U.K.)


++302310 421077


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Work experience


10 Jan  2010  up to date

 Name and address of employer

Greek Fire Service,  46 Martiou & Kritis str., Thessaloniki,  Greece

 Type of business or sector

Fire Service

 Occupation or position held

Lt Colonel  – Civil Engineer

 Main activities and responsibilities

Duties: Strategy and operational planning for the prevention or confrontation of natural or technological disasters.



15 March 2006  up to date

 Name and address of employer

Greek Fire Service,  46 Martiou & Kritis str., Thessaloniki,  Greece

 Type of business or sector

Fire Service

 Occupation or position held

Major  – Civil Engineer

 Main activities and responsibilities

Duties: To  coordinate / trainee fire service  staff . Prediction and planning of relevant future official needs. Management of crises within a continuously altered environment (i.e. Communication strategy, crises management as member of leading team).



15 March 2001  up to date

 Name and address of employer

Greek Fire Service,  46 Martiou & Kritis str. , Thessaloniki,  Greece

 Type of business or sector

Fire Service

 Occupation or position held

Captain   – Civil Engineer

 Main activities and responsibilities

Duties:.To manage teams working on a rota basis. On the basis of risk assessment,manage the deployment of human and physical resources to protect people, properties for every kind of fires or explosions.



 June 1993 to 14March. 2001

 Name and address of employer

Greek Fire Service, 46 Martiou & Kritis str. Thessaloniki, Greece

 Type of business or sector

Fire Service

 Occupation or position held

Lieutenant  – Civil Engineer

 Main activities and responsibilities

Duties of preventive and suppressive fire safety and head officer for the management human and physical resources in  emergency  situations of technological (fires-explosion) or natural ((floods, storms, forest fires, earthquakes etc). disasters.



Education and training



01 July 2001 up to Feb. 2008.

 Name and type of organization providing education and training

University of Leeds (U.K.), School of Process Environmental and Materials Engineering, Department of Fuel & Energy, Division of Fire Engineering.

 Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

Strategy of industrial fire incidents reduction (applicable to oτher uses as well as to other kind of technological or natural destructions) taking in to consideration modern European Policy in educational issues (Codes, Regulations etc…) 

Thesis title: "Industrial fires in Northern Greece. The influence of flame retardant coating on Timber fires"

 Title of qualification awarded


Doctoral Degree (PhD), in the field of Fire Engineering (July 2008).

 Level in national classification

Postgraduate Higher Title - Doctoral Degree (PhD)




08 September to 12 September 2009

 Name and type of organization providing education and training

National School of Goverrment (U.K.)

 Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

‘Working with Ministers’

 Title of qualification awarded

Certificate of attendance of training program

 Level in national classification

Seminar for public Administration Executives




01 January 2000 to 30 June 2001

 Name and type of organization providing education and training

University of Leeds (U.K.), School of Process Environmental and Materials Engineering, Department of Fuel & Energy, Division of Fire Engineering.

 Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

Building Fire Protection Design – Fire Dynamics and Modeling – Gas and Dust explosion Protection Design – Fire Safety Law with Case Studies- Disaster Management –Fire investigations etc. All modules was harmonized to the European Policy on issues related to prevention of fires and explosions (Eurocodes, EC regulations etc….).

 Title of qualification awarded

MSc in Fire and Explosion Engineering

 Level in national classification

Postgraduate Higher Title – Master of Science (MSc)



01 December 1997 to 08 May 1998

 Name and type of organization providing education and training

National Center for Public Administration and Local Government ( E.K.D.D.A.).

 Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

How to confront Natural and Human caused hazards to the Environment.

 Title of qualification awarded

Certificate of attendance of training program.

 Level in national classification

Seminar for public Administration Executives.





05 October 1992 to 23 June 1993

 Name and type of organization providing education and training

Academy of Fire Science – Department of Fire Officers Graduates of Engineering faculties

 Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

Preventive and Suppressive Fire Safety – Firefighting Strategy and Technique – Fire Resistance Characteristics of Materials – Rescue from Fire & Rescue Means-Forest Fires Suppression, etc. 

 Title of qualification awarded

Specialty Degree in the Field of Fire Safety

 Level in national classification

Postgraduate Title




20 Sept. 1983 to 20 October 1989

 Name and type of organization providing education and training

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering.

 Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

Civil Engineering – Specialty in Structural Engineering: Reinforced Concrete Structures, Steel Structures, Fire Safety, Hydraulics etc. 

 Title of qualification awarded

Civil Engineering Diploma

 Level in national classification

University Title – Engineering Diploma





13-15 Sept. 2010


Seventh International Conference on ‘Risk Analysis 2010’, 13-15 September, Algarve, Portugal.

                 Presentation subject

D.Tsatsoulas, “Thermal behaviour and toxic emissions of flame retarded timber  in Fire Enclosure tests”,pp 295-306.



Accepted paper at  10 of  Jule  2010


‘International Journal of Safety and Security engineering’.

                   Publication subject

D.Tsatsoulas, “Thermal behaviour and toxic emissions of flame retarded timber  in Cone Calorimeter tests



5-6 July 2010


COST Action TU904, ‘Integrated Fire Engineering and Response’, Barcelona workshop 5-6 July 2010.

                   Presentation  subject

D.Tsatsoulas, ‘Fire Research in Greece’.



1-3July 2009


Third international Conference on Safety and  Security Engineering, Rome.

 Presentation subject

D.Tsatsoulas, H.N.Phylaktou and G.Andrews. ‘Thermal behaviour and toxic emissions of various timbers in Cone Calorimeter tests’. In the proceedings of ‘First International Conference on Disaster Management and Human Health Risk ’, pp181-194, 23 -25 September 2009, New Forest, UK.


Personal skills

and competences

Acquired in the course of life and career

    Εasy adaptation in any labor surrounding, insistence in the work, easy adaptation in   

     travels and  Locomotion, adaptable to the use of information technology etc.


Mother tongue



Other languages




F.C.E. 1995

IELTS (normal Band: G.S.) 1999

MSc from University of Leeds(UK) 2001

PhD from University of Leeds(UK)  2008

 Reading skills


 Writing skills


 Verbal skills





“Certificat de langue Française”

“Certificat d’ecole de langues pour enterprise”  Bruxelles, le 9 Aout 1985

 From 1981 till 1986 I used to spend summer time in Brussels and Northern France (1986) in      order to exercise the French language, in combination with tourism.

 Reading skills

Very good

 Writing skills

Very good

 Verbal skills

Very good






January, 1989

 Type of Membership

Regular Member


Technical Chamber of Greece



June, 1993

 Type of Membership

Regular Member


Professional Body of Civil Engineers, Greece



March, 2000

 Type of Membership

Co-operate membership


Institution of Fire Engineering (U. K.),



Oct , 2008

 Type of Membership

Permanent Member of committee to manage natural and technological disasters


Technical Chamber of Greece ( branch of Central Makedonia )



March 2010

 Type of Membership

Member of WG1-Fire Behaviour and Life Safety


COST TU0904, integrated Fire Engineering and Response.


Social skills

and competences

I have been living and working and have been educated in multicultural environments in the Cultural Center in France (1986 – Paris – Strasburg – Nansy – Mulhouse  ).

I have studied also at a school of French Language in Brussels (1985-1986).

I have been staying in University accommodation in Leeds which is a multi-cultured environment.   



Organizational skills

and competences

I have acquired special skills in organizing Fire Service Forces a well as any other relevant Service Forces in emergency situations.


Technical skills

and competences

Knowledge of PC Software (MS Word, Excel, Fire & Explosion Modeling). Knowledge of Cone – Calorimeter, Fire-rig (Fire testing instruments) etc. Familiar with use of fire fighting systems and equipments (breathing apparatus, fire extinguishers, water supply network etc)

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