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Professor Euripidis MISTAKIDIS

mistakidisCivil Engineering
Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design
University of Thessaly
Pedion Areos
38334 Volos
Tel. +302421074171
Fax. +302310321803
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Area: Engineering & Technology research
Field: Civil & structural engineering
Subfield: Civil & structural engineering
Keywords: steel structures, composite structures, fibre reinforced concrete, seismic strengthening



Dept. of Civil Engineering Univ. of Thessaly 38334 Volos, Greece
TEX ++30/4210/74171
FAX ++30/4210/74124
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1.1 Education - Training

October 1987: Diploma in Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering.

June 1992: Doctoral degree, Department of  Civil Engineering, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece


1.2 Professional – academic background

2005 – today Associate Professor of Structural analysis , Dept. of Civil Engineering Univ. of Thessaly – Greece

2004 - today Director of the Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design, Dept. of

Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly.

2000 - 2005 Assistant Professor of Structural analysis , Dept. of Civil Engineering

Univ. of Thessaly - Greece

1995 - 2000 Adjunct Assist. Prof. at the Dept. of Civil Eng. – Univ. of Thessaly

1987 - 1998 Research Associate – Dept. of Civil Eng. Aristotle Univ.- Thessaloniki

1987 - 2000 Software consultant of CUBUS A.G. Zurich for the development of

steel structures analysis and design module according to Eurocode 3.

Work as a structural Engineer. Analysis and design of various structural projects (mainly university, research and medical buildings and complexes).


1.3 Fields of specialization

1. Development of methods for the assessment of the seismic behaviour of Civil Engineering Structures.

2. Improvement of the seismic behavior of existing structures through innovative technologies.

3. Numerical simulation of the structural response of civil engineering structures and components (steel and composite joints, fibre reinforced concrete members, steel platforms).

4. Development of methods for nonconvex – nonsmooth optimization and applications in structural analysis

5. Application of the theory of neural networks for the solution of structural analysis problems


1.4 Scientific journals reviewer

Solids and Structures (editor C. Steele)Journal of Global Optimization (editor P. Pardalos)Nonlinear Analysis (Editor V. Lakshmikantham)Applied Mechanics Reviews (Editor A.W. Leissa)Computers and Structures (editors K.J. Bathe & B.H.V. Topping)Advances in Engineering Software (editors K.J. Bathe & B.H.V. Topping)Optimization and Engineering (editor T. Terlaky)Structural Engineering and Mechanics (editor Chang-Koon Choi)Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (editors Prof. M. Erdik & Prof. W.D.L. Finn).


1.5 Editorial board member

The open construction & building technology Journal, Bentham open


1.6 Participation in international conferences scientific committees

International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex mechanics, Thessaloniki,  2002.6th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 4-6 September 2002, Prague, Czech Republic7th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 7-9 September 2004, Lisbon, PortugalThe tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 30 August - 2 September 2005, Rome, Italy.2nd International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex mechanics, Thessaloniki, 2006.8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 12-15 September 2006, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 12-15 September 2008, Αthens, Greece.


1.7 Member of scientific committees

Member of the evaluation committee for the Greek Code on rehabilitation of existing buildings.Member of the scientific committee for the planning and monitoring of the seismic evaluation of school buildings (School Buildings Organization). Reviewer of research proposals for the Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology.Member of the scientific committee for the planning and monitoring of the seismic evaluation of public buildings (Greek Seismic Planning and Protection Organization).Expert of the ESF for the evaluation of proposals submitted in the open calls of FP7.National Representative in the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO).Vice-chair of COST-C26 action on "Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events"


I. Doctoral Thesis

1. E.S. Mistakidis, “Theoretical and Numerical Study of Structures with Nonmonotone Boundary and Constitutive Laws / Algorithms and Applications”, Doctoral Thesis Aristotle University, 1992 (in Greek)




II-1.     E.S. Mistakidis, G.E. Stavroulakis, “Nonconvex Optimization in Mechanics. Smooth and Nonsmooth Algorithms, Heuristics and Engineering Applications by the F.E.M.”, Kluwer, 1998, ISBN 0-7923-4812-5.

Edited volumes

II-2.     F. Mazzolani, E. Mistakidis, R.P. Borg, M. Byfield, G. DeMatteis, D. Dubina, M. Indirli, A. Mandara, J.P. Muzeau, F. Wald, Y. Wang (editors), “Urban habitat constructions under catastrophic events”, University of Malta, 2008, ISBN 978-99909-44-40-2.

II-3.     F. Mazzolani, M. Byfield, G. DeMatteis, D. Dubina, B. Faggiano, M. Indirli, A. Mandara, E. Mistakidis, J.P. Muzeau, F. Wald (editors),  Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events,  Proceedings of the COST C26 Action Final Conference, CRC Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-415-60685-1

II-4.     F. Mazzolani, M. Byfield, G. DeMatteis, D. Dubina, B. Faggiano, M. Indirli, A. Mandara, E. Mistakidis, J.P. Muzeau, F. Wald (editors),  Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events,  COST C26 Action Final Report, CRC Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-415-60686-8




III-1.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis and O.K. Panagouli, “Fractal Interfaces with Unilateral Contact and Friction Conditions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 99 (1992) 395-412.

III-2.    O.K. Panagouli, P.D. Panagiotopoulos and E.S. Mistakidis, “On the Numerical Solution of Structures with Fractal Geometry. The F.E. approach”, Meccanica, 27 (1992) 263-274.

III-3.    E.S. Mistakidis, P.D. Panagiotopoulos and O.K. Panagouli, “Fractal Surfaces and Interfaces in Structures. Methods and Algorithms”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2 (1992) 551-574.

III-4.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos, O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, “Fractal Geometry and Fractal Material Behavior in Solids and Structures”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 63 (1993) 1-24.

III-5.    E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Numerical Treatment of the Nonmonotone (zigzag) Friction and Adhesive Contact Problems with Debonding. Approximation by Monotone Subproblems”, Computer and Structures,47  (1993)  33-46.

III-6.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos, O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, “On the Consideration of the Geometric and Physical Fractality in Solid Mechanics I: Theoretical Results”, ZAMM, 74 (1994)3,167-176.

III-7.    E.S. Mistakidis, K. Thomopoulos, A. Avdelas and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Shear connectors in composite beams: A new accurate algorithm”, Thin-Walled Structures, 18 (1994) 191-207.

III-8.    E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “On the Approximation of Nonmonotone Multivalued Problems by Monotone Subproblems”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 114 (1994) 55-76.

III-9.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos, O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, “Fractal Geometry in Structures. Numerical Methods for Convex Energy Problems”, Solids and Structures, 31(16) (1994) 2211-2228.

III-10.  E.S. Mistakidis, K. Thomopoulos, A. Avdelas and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “On the Nonmonotone Slip Effect in the Shear Connectors of Composite Beams”, Int. J. for Engineering Analysis and Design, 1 (1994) 395-409.

III-11.  M.A. Tzaferopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis, C.D. Bisbos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Comparison of two Methods for the Solution of a Class of Nonconvex Energy Problems Using Convex Minimization Algorithms”, Computers and Structures, 57 (1995) 959-971.

III-12.  E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “On the numerical treatment of the delamination problem in laminated composites under cleavage loading”, Composite Structures, 30 (1995) 453-466.

III-13.  G.E. Stavroulakis and E.S. Mistakidis, “Numerical treatment of hemivariational inequalities in mechanics: two methods based on the solution of convex subproblems”, Computational Mechanics, 16 (1995) 406-416.

III-14.  O.K. Panagouli, P.D. Panagiotopoulos and E.S. Mistakidis, “Friction laws of fractal type and the corresponding contact problems”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 5 (1995) 2109-2119.

III-15.  E.K. Koltsakis, E.S. Mistakidis and M. Ap. Tzaferopoulos, “On the numerical treatment of nonconvex energy problems of mechanics”, Journal of Global Optimization 6(4) (1995) 427-448.

III-16.  K.T.Thomopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis, E.K. Koltsakis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Softening Behaviour of Continuous Thin-Walled Beams. Two Numerical Methods”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 36 (1996) 1-13.

III-17.  E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Numerical treatment of problems involving nonmonotone boundary or stress-strain laws, Computers and Structures, 64(1-4) (1997) 553-565.

III-18.  E.S. Mistakidis, “Fractal Geometry in Structural analysis problems: A variational formulation for fractured bodies with nonmonotone interface conditions”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Special Issue on Application of  Fractals in Material Science and Engineering 8(2) (1997) 269-285.

III-19.  E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Τhe search for substationarity points in the unilateral contact problems with nonmonotone friction”, J. of Mathematical and Computer Modeling,  26(4-8) (1998) 341-358.

III-20.  O.K. Panagouli, E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “On the fractal fracture in brittle structures. Numerical approach”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 147 (1997) 1-15.

III-21.  E.S. Mistakidis, On the solution of structures involving elements with nonconvex energy potentials, Structural Optimization, 13 (1997) 182-190.

III-22.  E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos, C.D. Bisbos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Steel T-stub connections under static loading: an effective 2-D numerical model”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 44(1-2) (1997) 51-67.

III-23.  E.S. Mistakidis, K.T. Thomopoulos and M.A. Tzaferopoulos, “Effective methods for the analysis of steel structures with strain-softening behaviour”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 44(1-2) (1997) 3-21.

III-24.  E.S. Mistakidis, O.K. Panagouli and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Unilateral contact problems with fractal geometry and fractal friction laws: methods of calculation”, Computational Mechanics, 21 (1998) 353-362.

III-25.  E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “An effective two-dimensional numerical method for the analysis of a class of steel connections”, Computational Mechanics, 21 (1998) 363-371.

III-26.  E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “A multivalued B.I.E. for adhesive contact problems, Eng. Analysis with Boundary Elements 21 (1998) 317-327.

III-27.  M.J. Kontoleon, E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos “Parametric analysis of the structural response of steel base plate connections”, Computers and Structures 71 (1999) 87-10.

III-28.  P.S. Theocaris, P.D. Panagiotopoulos, O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis “On debonding and delamination effects in adhesively bonded cracks of fractal type”, Journal of elasticity, 51(1998) 177-201.

III-29.  E.S. Mistakidis “Evaluation of the total ductility in steel structures through a nonconvex energy optimization approach”  Engineering Structures  21 (1999) 810-822.

III-30.  G.E. Stavroulakis, E.S. Mistakidis “A hemivariational inequality approach for the modeling of hybrid laminates with unidirectional composite constituents”, AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Journal, 38(4) (2000) 680-686.

III-31.  E.S. Mistakidis, “A heuristic method for nonconvex optimization in Mechanics: conceptual idea, theoretical justification, engineering applications, Journal of Global Optimization  17:301-316, 2000.

III-32.  S.M. Karakostas and E.S. Mistakidis, “Evaluation of the ductility features in steel structures with softening moment-rotation behaviour based on a nonconvex optimization formulation”, Engineering Computations, 17(5), pp.573-592, 2000.

III-33.  S.M. Karakostas and E.S. Mistakidis, “Determination of load-displacement curve of moment resisting frames under horizontal loading”, Computational Mechanics, 27(2001) 341-351.

III-34.  E.S. Mistakidis, "A neural network approach for the solution of frictional contact problems with nonconvex superpotentials", Advances in Engineering Software, 33 (2002) 281-290.

III-35.  E.S. Mistakidis and O.K. Panagouli, "Strength evaluation of retrofit shear wall elements with interfaces of fractal geometry", Engineering Structures, 24 (2002) 649-659.

III-36.  E.S. Mistakidis, Ο. Panagouli, Friction evolution as a result of roughness in fractal interfaces, Engineering Computations, 20(1) (2003) 40-57.

III-37.  E.S. Mistakidis and C.C. Baniotopoulos “Parametric analysis of axially loaded RHS gap K-joints by means of 2D and 3D F.E. models”, International Journal of Space Structures, 18(3) (2003)139-155.

III-38.  E.S. Mistakidis, D. Georgiou, Fuzzy Sets In Seismic Inelastic Analysis And Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames,Advances in Engineering Software 34(2003) 589-599.

III-39.  E.S. Mistakidis, S.V. Tsiogas, Failure modes of circular hollow members with flattened edges, Journal of Constructional Steel Research  59(2003) 1573-1592.

III-40.  Ε.S. Mistakidis, N.P. Politis, A study on the dependency of the interface forces on the F.E. discretization, in nonconvex-nonsmooth frictional contact problems, Engineering Computations 21(6)(2004) 610-630.

III-41.  E.S. Mistakidis, “A neural network approach for the solution of frictional contact problems with nonconvex superpotentials”, Advances in Engineering Software, 35(10-11) (2004) 653-662.

III-42.  E.S. Mistakidis, G. De Matteis and A. Formisano,  “Low yield metal panels as an alternative for the seismic upgrading of concrete structures”, Advances in Engineering Software, 38(8-9)(2007) 626-636.

III-43.  E.S. Mistakidis and K. Dimitriadis, Bending resistance of composite slabs made with thin-walled steel sheeting with indentations or embossments, Thin-Walled Structures, 46(2)(2008) 192-206

III-44.  E.S. Mistakidis, Numerical study of shear walls made of low-yield point steel, Engineering Computations 27(2)(2010), 257-279.

III-45.  K. Tzaros, E.S. Mistakidis and  P.C. Perdikaris, A numerical model based on nonconvex-nonsmooth optimization for the simulation of bending tests on composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting, Engineering Structures 32(3)(2010) 843-853.

III-46.  K.Georgiadi-Stefanidi, E.S. Mistakidis, D. Pantousa and M. Zygomalas, Numerical modelling of the pull-out of hooked steel fibres from high-strength cementitious matrix, supplemented by experimental results, Construction and Building Materials 24(2010) 2489-2506.

III-47.  K. Georgiadi-Stefanidi, E. Mistakidis, P. Perdikaris, T. Papatheocharis, Numerical simulation of tested reinforced concrete beams strengthened by thin fibre-reinforced cementitious matrix jackets (Earthquakes and Structures, accepted for publication, 2010).

III-48.  O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, Influence of the resolution of fractal interfaces on the contact area and on the corresponding normal stresses for elastic and inelastic problems, Engineering Computations (accepted for publication, 2010).

IV. Papers in contributed volumes

IV-1.    M.A. Tzaferopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis, C.D. Bisbos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “On two Algorithms for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization Problems in Structural Mechanics”, in Large Scale Optimization: State of the Art, (Ed. W.W. Hager, D.W. Hearn and P.M Pardalos), Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. pp. 439-467, 1994.

IV-2.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis, G.E. Stavroulakis and O.K. Panagouli, “Multilevel Optimization Methods in Mechanics”, in Multilevel Optimization: Algorithms, Complexity and Applications  Kluwer, 1998, pp. 51-90.

IV-3.    G.E. Stavroulakis and E.S. Mistakidis, “Nonconvex Energy Functions: Hemivariational Inequalities”, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publ.

IV-4.    E.S. Mistakidis and G.E. Stavroulakis, “Hemivariational Inequalities: Applications in Mechanics”, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publ.

IV-5.    E. Stavroulakis, E.S. Mistakidis and O.K. Panagouli, “Multilevel Optimization in Mechanics”, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publ.

IV-6.    E. Mistakidis, R. Vacareanu and A. Kappos, Performance based evaluation and risk analysis, in: Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events: COST C26 Action Final Report, Balkema, 2010


V. Papers in Conference proceedings

VI-1.    E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Solution of Structures Involving Nonmonotone Boundary Laws”, in Proc. 1st National Congress on Computational Mechanics (Ed. D. Beskos), Vol. 1, pp. 503-510, Athens, 1992.

VI-2.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos, O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, “Fractal Interfaces in Contact Problems. Theory and Numerical Applications” in Proc. Contact Mechanics International Symposium (Ed. A. Curnier), pp. 237-260, PPUR, Lausanne, 1992.

VI-3.    E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Adhesive Contact Problems. A Geometric Nonlinear Theory for Large Scale Problems” in Contact Mechanics Computational Techniques, (Eds. M.H. Aliabadi & C. Brebbia), pp. 35-43, CM publ. Southampton, 1993.

VI-4.    P.D. Panagiotopoulos and E.S. Mistakidis, “Neural Networks for Computing Contact Problems”, in  Contact Mechanics Computational Techniques, (Eds. M.H. Aliabadi & C. Brebbia), pp. 45-52, CM publ, Southampton, 1993.

VI-5.    E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos  and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, On the numerical treatment of the delamination problem in laminated composites, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Structural Fiber Composites, pp. 564-576, Florence 1994.

VI-6.    E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, A new Method for the Numerical Treatment of Hemivariational Inequalities, in Proc. of the 2nd Conference on Computational Structures Technology, (Ed. M. Papadrakakis and B.H.V. Topping), pp. 123-129, Civil-Comp Press, 1994.

VI-7.    E.S. Mistakidis, P.D. Panagiotopoulos and O.K. Panagouli Contact - friction of fuzzy type. Contact - friction of fractal type in  Contact Mechanics., (Eds. M. Raous, M. Jean and J.J. Moreau) pp 33-36, Plenum, N. York, 1995.

VI-8.    O.K. Panagouli, E.S. Mistakidis, P.D. Panagiotopoulos and A. Liolios, “Fractal interfaces in masonry structures. Methods of calculation” in: Dynamics, Repairs & Restoration, (Eds. C.A. Brebbia, B. Leftheris,) pp. 291-298, CM Pub. 1995.

VI-9.    K.T. Thomopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis, E.K. Koltsakis and  P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “On the Analysis of Continuous Thin-walled Steel Beams with Softening Behaviour” in:  Proc. 1st European Conf. on Steel Structures,  (Ed. A.N. Kounadis), pp. 97-104, Balkema, 1995.

VI-10.  E.S. Mistakidis, K. Thomopoulos, A. Avdelas and  P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Analysis of Composite Beams with Shear Connectors Allowing for Softening”, in: Proc. 1st European Conf. on Steel Structures,  (Ed. A.N. Kounadis), pp. 73-80, Balkema, 1995.

VI-11.  A.A. Liolios, P.D. Panagiotopoulos, O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, “Two sided solution bounds in unilateral contact elastomechanics under P-Delta effects” in: Contact Mechanics II - Computational Techniques (Eds. M.H. Aliabadi and C.Alessandri), pp.455-459, CM Pub., Southampton-Boston 1995.

VI-12.  E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Numerical methods based on the L.C.P. for the treatment of nonconvex inequality problems in Mechanics”  in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Complementarity Problems '95,  (Eds. J.S. Pang, M.C. Ferris), SIAM publ., 1997, pp. 267-283.

VI-13.  O.K. Panagouli, E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Friction laws of fractal type. Theory and numerical application” in:  Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Tribology  (Ed. K.D. Bouzakis), pp.733-740, P. Ziti & Co. Publ., Thessaloniki, 1996.

VI-14.  E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos, C.D. Bisbos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “A 2-D numerical model for the analysis of steel T-stub connections”, in: Proc. of the 2nd National Conference on Computational Mechanics, , (Eds D.A. Sotiropoulos, D.E. Beskos), pp 777-784.

VI-15.  O.K. Panagouli, E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Fractal interpolation Functions for the description of friction laws in unilateral contact problems”, in: Proc. of the 2nd National Conference on Computational Mechanics, (Eds D.A. Sotiropoulos, D.E. Beskos), pp. 468-475.

VI-16.  C.C. Baniotopoulos, E.S. Mistakidis and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “A numerical method for the analysis of semirigid base plate connections, Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, (Eds J.A. Desideri, P.Le Tallec, E. Onate, J. Peraux, E. Stein), pp. 842-848, Wiley, 1996.

VI-17.  G.E. Stavroulakis and E.S. Mistakidis, “Overall Behaviour Of Hybrid Laminates With Unidirectional Composite Constituents. A Hemivariational Inequality Approach”, Proc. 1st Hellenic Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (Ed. E. Gdoutos), pp.148-162, 1997.

VI-18.  E.S. Mistakidis, A. Avdelas, C.C. Baniotopoulos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Delamination of laminated composites under cleavage loading: a Hopfield neural network approach”, Proc. 1st Hellenic Conference on Composite Materials and Structures (Ed. E. Gdoutos), pp. 119-133, 1997.

VI-19.  E.S. Mistakidis, “Nonconvex optimization in unilateral contact problems with nonmonotone friction”, Proceedings of the  5th National Conference on Mechanics, Ioannina, August 1998.

VI-20.  E.S.Mistakidis,  K.T. Thomopoulos, C.C. Baniotopoulos, P.D. Panagiotopoulos, “Softening effects of semi-rigid joints to the ultimate strength of steel frames under seismic action” Proceedings of the COST-C1 Conference, Liege, 1998, pp.425-434.

VI-21.  M.I. Kontoleon, E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos, “Simple two-dimensional finite element models for the simulation of the structural response of steel connections” Proc. of the 4th  Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Civil-Comp Press, 1998.

VI-22.  T. Gavrielidis, D. Vizoviti, E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos, K.T. Thomopoulos, “On the finite element modelling of RHS gap K-joints. Parametric analysis” Proc. of the 4th  Conference on Computational Structures Technology,Civil-Comp Press, 1998.

VI-23.  E.S. Mistakidis, “Estimation of the global ductility in moment resisting frames with nonmonotone moment-rotation laws” Proc. of the 3th  National Conference on Steel Structures, Thessaloniki, 1998.

VI-24.  Μ. Ι. Κοντολέων, Ε.Σ. Μυστακιδης, Χ.Κ. Μπανιωτόπουλος και Π.Δ. Παναγιωτόπουλος, “Αριθμητική προσομοίωση της συμπεριφοράς βάσης έδρασης υποστυλώματος από χάλυβα υπό στατική φόρτιση” 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Κατασκευών, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1998.

VI-25.  Ι. Galazoula, D. Kyriakidis, E.S. Mistakidis, C.C. Baniotopoulos and P.D. Panagiotopoulos “Parametric study of the structural response of QHS K-Joints with gap by means of 2D F.E. Models” Proc. of the 3th  National Conference on Steel Structures, Thessaloniki, 1998.

VI-26.  S.M. Karakostas and E.S. Mistakidis “Determination of the behavioural curve of eccentrically braced steel structures, Proc. of the 2nd  European Conference on Steel Structures, Praha, 1999.

VI-27.  D. Vyzoviti, T. Gavrielidies, E.S. Mistakidis and C.C. Baniotopoulos “Parametric analysis of axially loaded SHS gap K-joints by means of 3D F.E. Models, Proc. of the 2nd  European Conference on Steel Structures, Praha, 1999.

VI-28.  S.M. Karakostas and E.S. Mistakidis, Determination Of The Behavioural Curve Of Moment Resisting Steel Structures Under Seismic Loading, 3rd National Conference on Computational Mechanics, Volos, 1999.

VI-29.  E.S. Mistakidis, O.K. Panagouli and N.P. Politis, “A Nonconvex-Nonsmooth Energy Optimization Approach For The Strength Evaluation Of Retrofit Shear Wall Elements” IASS-IACM 2000 International Conference, Chania, 2000.

VI-30.  E.S. Mistakidis, A Nonconvex Optimization Approach For The Determination Of The Capacity Curve And The Performance Point Of MR Steel Frames Exhibiting Softening Under Seismic Loading, in C.C. Baniotopoulos and F. Wald (eds.) The paramount Role of Joints into the Reliable Response of Structures, pp. 227-236, Kluwer, 2000.

VI-31.  E.S. Mistakidis and O.K. Panagouli, “The Influence Of Fractality Of The Asperities To The Evolution Of The Friction Mechanism” ECCM-2001 European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Poland, 2001.

VI-32.  O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, “Friction Evolution In Fractal Interfaces”, 6th National Congress of Mechanics, Thessaloniki, 2001, Vol.II, pp. 84-89.

VI-33.  E.S. Mistakidis and N.P. Politis, “Numerical Study Of The F.E. Mesh Dependency In Nonconvex-Nonsmooth Engineering Problems”,  6th National Congress of Mechanics, Thessaloniki, 2001, Vol.II, pp. 90-95.

VI-34.  E.S. Mistakidis and D.N. Georgiou, “Fuzzy Sets In Engineering Analysis And Design”,  6th National Congress of Mechanics, Thessaloniki, 2001, Vol.II, pp. 96-101.

VI-35.  E.Σ. Μυστακίδης και Α.Π. Κανελλόπουλος, "Αξιοπιστία της μεθόδου του συντελεστού μετακινήσεων για τον απλοποιημένο μη γραμμικό υπολογισμό κατασκευών”, 2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, Νοέμβριος 2001, σελ. 427-436.

VI-36.  E.S. Mistakidis, V. Bosiljkow, G. DeMatteis, F. Dinu, M. Fischinger, Structural integrity of buildings under exceptional earthquakes, COST-C12 Conference, Lisbon, April 2002.

VI-37.  Ε.S. Mistakidis, Investigation Of The Structural Stability Of The Space Truss Covering The International Flights Terminal At Corfu Airport, 4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patras, May 2002, pp. 193-202.

VI-38.  D. Vyzoviti, T. Gavrielides, E.S. Mistakidis and C.C. Baniotopoulos, Parametric Analysis of Axially loaded SHS gap K-Joints by means of 3D F.E. Models, 4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patras, May 2002, pp.99-108.

VI-39.  F.M. Mazzolani, C.C. Baniotopoulos, F. Perdikaris and E.S. Mistakidis, Structural Integrity Of Steel Constructions Under Earthquake Actions: Activity Of Cost-C12/WG2, 4th Greek National Conference on Steel Structures, Patras, May 2002, pp 691-699.

VI-40.  E.S. Mistakidis and G.N. Georgiou, An Extension Of The Nonlinear Static Analysis Procedure For The Estimation Of The Seismic Response Of Structures, Based On The Theory Of Fuzzy Sets, 4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, Patras, June 2002.

VI-41.  E.S. Mistakidis, Effect of Softening on The Seismic Performance of SDOF and MDOF Structures, International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering (in Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos), Thessaloniki, July 2002, pp. 355-362.

VI-42.  O.K. Panagouli and E.S. Mistakidis, Effect Of The Different Fractal Approaches For The Modeling Of The Interface Roughness On The Overall Structural Response, International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering (in Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos), Thessaloniki, July 2002, pp.119-126.

VI-43.  E.S. Mistakidis, "Solution of Nonmonotone Friction Unilateral Contact Problems within a Neural Network Environment", in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, B.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, United Kingdom, paper 81, 2002. CST2002, Prague, September 2002.

VI-44.  E.S. Mistakidis and S.V. Tsiogas, “Failure modes of circular hollow sections with flattened edges”, Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Steel structures, Coimbra, 2002,  pp. 183-190.

VI-45.  G. De Matteis and E.S. Mistakidis, “Seismic retrofitting of moment resisting frames using low yield steel panels as shear walls”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2003), Naples, June 2003.

VI-46.  E.S. Mistakidis, “Ultimate compressive strength of CHS members with flattened edges”, in Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics held at M.I.T., June, 2003.

VI-47.  E.S. Mistakidis and G.N. Kofidis, “Seismic retrofitting using steel shear walls. A comparative study on the use of low yield point steel verse ordinary steel”, 7th National Congress of Mechanics, Chania, 2004.

VI-48.  E.S. Mistakidis, G. De Matteis and A. Formisano, “Seismic Upgrade of Concrete Structures Using Low Yield Metal Shear Panels”, in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, B.H.V. Topping and C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, United Kingdom, paper 279, 2004.

VI-49.  G. DeMatteis, E.S. Mistakidis, A. Formisano and S.I. Tsirnovas, Seismic retrofitting of steel and concrete structures using low-yield strength shear panels, COST C12 Conference, Innsbruck, 2005

VI-50.  E.S. Mistakidis and G.N. Kofidis, “Numerical study of the behaviour of bare and encased steel shear walls”, EUROSTEEL 2005, Maastricht.


VI-52.  Ε.Σ. Μυστακίδης, Φ. Περδικάρης, Α. Γιαννόπουλος, Κ. Παπαχρήστου, Κ. Τζάρος, ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΟΣ ΠΡΟΣΔΙΟΡΙΣΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΡΙΑΚΗΣ ΑΝΤΟΧΗΣ ΣΥΜΜΙΚΤΩΝ ΠΛΑΚΩΝ ΣΚΥΡΟΔΕΜΑΤΟΣ, (Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών, Ξάνθη, 2005).

VI-53.  E.S. Mistakidis and O.K. Panagouli, MODELING of the BEHAVIOR of ultra-high strength FIBER reinforced concrete by means of nonconvex energy superpotentials (Συνέδριο EΛΕΤΥΜ, Κύπρος 2005).

VI-54.  Å.S. Mistakidis and K. Dimitriadis, Numerical analysis of steel sheeting with indentations or embossments, used for composite slabs, CST 2006, Las Palmas.

VI-55.  E. Mistakidis, K. Georgiadi-Stefanidi and D. Pantousa, Modelling of the Pull-Out of Hooked Steel Fibres in Fibre-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete, CST 2006, Las Palmas.

VI-56.  E. Mυστακίδης, Ε.Δ. Χαλκιαδάκη, Αριθμητική προσομοίωση συμπεριφοράς ινοπλισμένου σκυροδέματος σε κάμψη, Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, 2006

VI-57.  Α. Κανελλόπουλος, Ε. Μυστακίδης, Eφαρμογές σκυροδεμάτων υψηλής επιτελεστικότητας σε νέες κατασκευές η στην ενίσχυση υφισταμένων, Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, 2006

VI-58.  Ε. Μυστακίδης, Φ. Περδικάρης, Κ. Τζάρος, Αριθμητική προσομοίωση της διατμητικής σύνδεσης σκυροδέματος και χάλυβα στις σύμμικτες πλάκες,  Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, 2006

VI-59.  Ε. Μυστακίδης και Ο. Παναγούλη,  Α nonsmooth-mechanics approach for the analysis of the bending behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete specimens, 2nd  International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering (in Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos), Thessaloniki, July 2006

VI-60.  E. Mistakidis, F. Perdikaris and K. Tzaros, Α novel approach for the consideration of the partial connection between steel and concrete in composite slabs 2nd  International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering (in Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos), Thessaloniki, July 2006.

VI-61.  E. Mistakidis, R. Apostolska (Petrusevska), D. Dubina, W. Graf, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska,  P. Nogueiro, S. Pannier, J.-U. Sickert, L. Simões da Silva, A. Stratan, U. Terzic, Typology of seismic motion and seismic engineering design, Proc. Int. Seminar on Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events, Prague, 2007.

VI-62.  Κ. Tzaros, E. Mistakidis and P. Perdikaris, Nonlinear analysis of thin walled cold formed steel platforms, 5thEuropean Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL), Graz, 2008.

VI-63.  K. Georgiadi-Stefanidi, E. Mistakidis and P. Perdikaris, Numerical Simulation of Bending Response of Reinforced Concrete and Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Beams, 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, 2008.

VI-64.  K. Tzaros, and E. Mistakidis, Numerical Buckling Behaviour of Thin – Walled Cold Formed Steel Platforms Subjected to Bending, 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, 2008.

VI-65.  K.A. Georgiadi-Stefanidi, E.S. Mistakidis, P.C. Perdikaris, Thin Fibre-reinforced concrete jackets for improving the seismic response of reinforced concrete members: experimental and numerical results, in: F. Mazzolani, E. Mistakidis, R.P. Borg, M. Byfield, G. DeMatteis, D. Dubina, M. Indirli, A. Mandara, J.P. Muzeau, F. Wald, Y. Wang (editors), “Urban habitat constructions under catastrophic events”, University of Malta, 2008.

VI-66.  Κ. Γεωργιάδη-Στεφανίδη, Ε. Μυστακίδης και Φ. Περδικάρης, Καμπτική συμπεριφορά ινοπλισμένων δοκών και δοκών ενισχυμένων με ινοπλισμένο μανδύα,  3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας, Αθήνα, 5–7 Νοεμβρίου, 2008, Άρθρο 1917

VI-67.  Ε. Μυστακίδη, Συμπεριφορά κατασκευών υπό ακραίες σεισμικές δράσεις, 3o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αντισεισμικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνικής Σεισμολογίας, Αθήνα, 5–7 Νοεμβρίου, 2008, Άρθρο 1918

VI-68.  K. Τζάρος και Ε. Μυστακίδης, Αριθμητική μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς λεπτότοιχων μεταλλικών εξεδρών ικριωμάτων, 6ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Κατασκευών, Ιωάννινα, 2008.

VI-69.  Ï. Panagouli* and Å. Mistakidis, Dependence of contact area on the resolution of fractal interfaces for elastic and inelastic problems, in: M. Papadrakakis, M. Kojic, V. Papadopoulos  (eds.), 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Rhodes, 2009

VI-70.  E. Mistakidis and D. Pantousa, Numerical simulation of composite slabs in elevated temperatures, in: M. Papadrakakis, M. Kojic, V. Papadopoulos  (eds.), 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Rhodes, 2009

VI-71.  K. Tzaros and E. Mistakidis, A mathematical method for the determination of the critical axial loads of continuous beams with unilateral constraints for various initial geometric imperfections, 5th Contact Mechanics Symposium, Chania, 2009.

VI-72.  O. Panagouli and E. Mistakidis, A multi-resolution study on the behavior of fractal interfaces with unilateral contact conditions, 5th Contact Mechanics Symposium, Chania, 2009.

VI-73.  K. Tzaros and E. Mistakidis, An efficient analytical technique for the determination of the critical axial loads of continuous beams with unequal spans in the presence of unilateral constraints and arbitrary initial geometric imperfections, 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus, 12 – 14 July, 2010.

VI-74.  O. Panagouli and E. Mistakidis, Dependence of friction coefficient on the resolution of fractal interfaces 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus, 12 – 14 July, 2010.

VI-75.  D. Pantousa and E. Mistakidis,Thermo-mechanical analysis of composite slabs under fire conditions,  Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events: Proceedings of the COST C26 Action Final Conference, Naples, 2010.

VI-76.  K. Georgiadi-Stefanidi and E. Mistakidis, Numerical investigation of old RC frames strengthened against earthquakes by high dissipation steel link elements, Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events: Proceedings of the COST C26 Action Final Conference, Naples, 2010.

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