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Konstantinos TZAROS, Civil Engineer, MSc



Civil Engineering, MSc
Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design
University of Thessaly
Pedion Areos
38334 Volos
Tel. +302421074181
Fax. +302421074124
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Area: Engineering & Technology research

Field: Civil & structural engineering

Subfield: Civil & structural engineering



Education - Training



November 2005

Diploma in Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly,

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering.

October 2009

Master of Science degree in: “Applied Mechanics and Systems Modeling and Simulation”, University of Thessaly, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering


Doctoral candidate in the Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design, Dep. of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly

Dissertation on the analytical and theoretical study of the unilateral contact buckling problem of geometrically perfect and imperfect beams

Supervisor: E.S. Mistakidis, Associate Professor.







Diploma Thesis: “Design of composite slabs according to EC-4 and EC-3 Part 1.3. Programming in Fortran 90”, 

Supervisor: E.S. Mistakidis, Associate Professor.


Master of Science Thesis: “Numerical simulation of 4-point bending tests of composite slabs using nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization.”,

Supervisor: E.S. Mistakidis, Associate Professor.



Research Projects



Development, pilot production and trial application of new   generation composite materials based upon cement for the improvement of the seismic structural behaviour.

Funded by: General Secretariat of Research and Technology


Determination of the ultimate loads of composite slabs made of trapezoidal steel sheeting

Funded by: Elastron Steel Service Center, Athens


Experimental and numerical investigation of the bending behaviour of thin-walled steel beams used in scaffold configurations.

Funded by: Elastron Steel Service Center, Athens






1 Papers in scientific journals

[1]    K.A Tzaros, E.S. Mistakidis and P.C. Perdikaris, A numerical model based on nonconvex-nonsmooth optimization for the simulation of the bending tests on composite slabs with profiles steel sheeting, Engineering Structures, Vol 32, Issue 3, pp. 843-853, 2010.


2 Papers in Conference proceedings

[1]    E. Mistakidis, F. Perdikaris and K. Tzaros, A novel approach for the consideration of the partial connection between steel and concrete in composite slabs 2nd   International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering (in Memoriam of Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos), Thessaloniki, July 2006

[2]    K.A. Tzaros, and E.S. Mistakidis, Nonlinear analysis of thin walled cold-formed steel platforms ,5th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures , Eurosteel 2008, Graz, Austria

[3]    K.A. Tzaros, and E.S. Mistakidis, “Buckling behaviour of thin walled cold formed steel platforms subjected to bending” ,Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Stuctures Technology, Athens 2008

[4]    K.A. Tzaros, and E.S. Mistakidis “A mathematical method for the determination of the critical axial loads of continuous beams with unilateral constraints for various initial geometric imperfections” 5th Contact Mechanics Symposium CMIS2009, Chania, Greece.

[5]    K.A. Tzaros, and E.S. Mistakidis, An efficient analytical technique for the determination of the critical axial loads of continuous beams with unequal spans in the presence of unilateral constraints and arbitrary initial geometric imperfections , 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Limassol, 2010

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