Daphne Pantousa, Civil Engineer, MSc

john doe


Civil Engineering, MSc
Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design
University of Thessaly
Pedion Areos
38334 Volos
Tel. +302421074181
Fax. +302421074124
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Area: Engineering & Technology research

Field: Civil & structural engineering

Subfield: Civil & structural engineering


Education - Training


November 2003

Diploma in Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly,

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering.

June 2006

Master of Science degree in: “Applied Mechanics and Systems Modeling and Simulation”, University of Thessaly, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering


Doctoral candidate in the Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design, Dep. of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly

Dissertation on the study of the behaviour of steel and composite structures under fire conditions after earthquake events.

Supervisor: E.S. Mistakidis, Associate Professor.







Diploma Thesis: “Quantitative analysis of the dynamic response of simple discrete system, using the Poincaré maps”, 

Supervisor: D.S. Sophianopoulos, Assistant Professor.


Master of Science Thesis: “Modeling of the Pull-Out of Hooked Steel Fibres in Fibre-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete”,

Supervisor: E.S. Mistakidis, Associate Professor.


Research Projects



Cost - TU0904 (European research action):

“Integrated Fire Engineering and Response”

Participation in the work group: “Structural Safety”


Cost - C26 (European research action):

“Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events”

Participation in the work group : “Fire Design





1        Papers in scientific journals

[1]    K.Georgiadi-Stefanidi, E.S. Mistakidis, D. Pantousa and M. Zygomalas, Numerical modelling of the pull-out of hooked steel fibres from high-strength cementitious matrix, supplemented by experimental results, Construction and Building Materials 24(2010) 2489-2506.


2        Papers in Conference proceedings

[1]     E. Mistakidis, K. Georgiadi-Stefanidi and D. Pantousa, Modelling of the Pull-Out of Hooked Steel Fibres in Fibre-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete, CST 2006, Las Palmas.

[2]     D. Pantousa and E. Mistakidis, Numerical Simulation of composite slabs in elevated temperatures”, 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational mechanics- SEECCM 2009, Rhodes, 2009

[3]     D. Pantousa and E. Mistakidis, Thermo-mechanical analysis of composite slabs under fire conditions, in F.M. Mazzolani et al (eds) “Urban Habitat Construction under Catastrophic Events”, Balkema, 2010


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