1. Ε.S. Mistakidis G. De Matteis and A. Formisano, LYM shear panels as an alternative for the seismic upgrading of concrete structures, Advances in Engineering Software, in press (2006).

2. E.S. Mistakidis, "A neural network approach for the solution of frictional contact problems with nonconvex superpotentials", Advances in Engineering Software, 35[10-11],(2004), pp. 653-662.

3. Ε.S. Mistakidis, N.P. Politis, A study on the dependency of the interface forces on the F.E. discretization, in nonconvex-nonsmooth frictional contact problems, Engineering Computations 21(6)(2004) 610-630.

4. E.S. Mistakidis, S.V. Tsiogas, Failure modes of circular hollow members with flattened edges, Journal of Constructional Steel Research  59(2003) 1573-1592.

5. E.S. Mistakidis, D. Georgiou, Fuzzy Sets In Seismic Inelastic Analysis And Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames, Advances in Engineering Software34(2003) 589-599.

6. E.S. Mistakidis and C.C. Baniotopoulos "Parametric analysis of axially loaded RHS gap K-joints by means of 2D and 3D F.E. models", International Journal of Space Structures, 18(3) (2003)139-155.

7. E.S. Mistakidis, Ο. Panagouli, Friction evolution as a result of roughness in fractal interfaces, Engineering Computations, 20(1) (2003) 40-57.

8. E.S. Mistakidis and O.K. Panagouli, "Strength evaluation of retrofit shear wall elements with interfaces of fractal geometry", Engineering Structures, 24 (2002) 649-659.

9. E.S. Mistakidis, "A neural network approach for the solution of frictional contact problems with nonconvex superpotentials", Advances in Engineering Software, 33 (2002) 281-290.

10. S.M. Karakostas and E.S. Mistakidis, "Determination of load-displacement curve of moment resisting frames under horizontal loading", Computational Mechanics, 27(2001) 341-351.

11. S.M. Karakostas and E.S. Mistakidis, "Evaluation of the ductility features in steel structures with softening moment-rotation behaviour based on a nonconvex optimization formulation", Engineering Computations, 17(5), pp.573-592, 2000.

12. E.S. Mistakidis, "A heuristic method for nonconvex optimization in Mechanics: conceptual idea, theoretical justification, engineering applications, Journal of Global Optimization  17:301-316, 2000.

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